the Triton


The Triton restaurant was born in 1982 when a couple (Josep and Carme) brought this small establishment from the beach, which over the years has become the restaurant it is today, without forgetting that all of this has been thanks to the loyalty of its customers, who often are more than just customers: they are friends.

The Place

The restaurant offers a wide range of dishes. In the morning, a typical regional fork breakfast is served, which means you can enjoy grilled pork cheek, grilled squid, fried fish, local sausages, among other daily dishes, all accompanied by tomato bread, a Figueres onion salad, and a good glass of wine.

At lunchtime, from Monday to Friday, we have an elaborate menu, but always without losing the touch of home cooking from Empordà. It’s a menu where everyone is welcome, whether you’re on vacation or simply tired from work and need a relaxing moment. Everyone finds good food, a pleasant atmosphere, and an affordable price.

And at all times, you can enjoy our menu of grilled seafood and fish, brought daily from the fishing ports of Palamós and Roses. Yes, everything is cooked on a grill by our chef: Eduard Cateura. Fresh fish, a bit of extra virgin olive oil, and you can enjoy the flavors.

Private room for groups of up to 25 people

Reservations and Hours – C-31, s/n, 17257 Gualta, Costa Brava, Girona


(sólo por teléfono)

Horario de invierno:

del 15 de septiembre a mayo
(excepto Navidad y el mes de enero por vacaciones).

(Jueves y domingo cerrado)

Lunes, martes y miércoles
de 9:00h. a 18:00h.

Viernes y sábado
de 9:00h. a 18:00h. – 20:00h. a 00:00h.

Horario de verano:

de junio al 15 de septiembre

De lunes a sábado (domingo cerrado)
de 8:30h. a 22:30h.


(només per telèfon)

Horari d'hivern:

del 15 de setembre a maig
(excepte Nadal i el mes de gener per vacançes).

 (dijous i diumenge tancat)

Dilluns, dimarts i dimecres
de 9:00h. a 18:00h.

Divendres i dissabte

de 9:00h. a 18:00h. – 20:00h. a 00:00h.

Horari d'estiu:

de juny a 15 de setembre

De dilluns a dissabte (diumenge tancat)
de 8:30h. a 22:30h.