Like at home

Two generations of restaurateurs have managed to maintain a familiar and cozy atmosphere in the dining rooms of Triton for almost 40 years, preserving the family and homey tradition of market cuisine.

You will find the best daily menu.

Fish and Seafood

Thanks to our fisherman friends and our own family, we receive fresh fish and seafood every morning and every evening to ensure the highest quality and freshness of the product before each service. Completely locally sourced.

The Menu

You can enjoy our menu with grilled seafood and fish, brought daily from the fish markets of Palamós and Roses. All cooked on a grill by our chefs: Eduard Cateura and Marc Girona. Fresh fish, a bit of extra virgin olive oil, and savor the palate.


C-31, s/n, 17257 Gualta, Costa Brava, Girona


(Sólo por teléfono)

Horario de invierno:

del 15 de septiembre a mayo
(Excepto Navidad y el mes de enero por vacaciones).

Lunes, martes y miércoles
de 8: 30h. a15: 30h.

Dijus, viernes y sábado (domingo cerrado)
de 8: 30h. a 22: 30h.

Horario de verano:

de junio a 15 de septiembre

De lunes a sábado (domingo cerrado)
de 8: 30h. a 22: 30h.


(només per telèfon)

Horari d'hivern:

del 15 de setembre a maig
(excepte Nadal i el mes de gener per vacançes).

Dilluns, dimarts i dimecres
de 8:30h. a15:30h.

Dijus, divendres i dissabte (diumenge tancat)
de 8:30h. a 22:30h.

Horari d'estiu:

de juny a 15 de setembre

De dilluns a dissabte (diumenge tancat)
de 8:30h. a 22:30h.